These are links for on-demand, learn at your pace classes.  If you prefer to do them in a Zoom group with a live instructor, please go to

Prenatal Classes & Birth Preparation

If you're looking for resources and classes to prepare you for your ideal birth, then you've come to the right place!

My name is Angie Evans aka Angie The Doula. Knowledge is power and I love informing people about their options in birth.  I am "bilingual", speaking science and translating the information into everyday language.  My classes combine evidence-based research with my years of experience in attending births (over 300 and counting). I've helped thousands of people prepare for their birth through teaching prenatal classes (since 2005), private consultations for specific questions and creating birth plans. 

Angie Evans, BScH, MH 
Certified Prenatal Educator (CBE) and Teacher-Trainer 
Master Doula (CD), Doula Trainer (CDT)
Certified Placenta Encapsulator / Trainer (OSHA, CPE)

Available Products

Prenatal Class: Birth Prep Essentials

Did you know you have many options and choices in birth? You have more control than you think! Learn what those options are to create your version of an ideal birth and make informed choices. The information presented in the Birth Essentials Prenatal Series is current, well researched and includes C-19 policies and protocols. 

How to Ease Labour Pain & Keep Birth Moving

Easing Labour Pain is a 2hr class that features information not covered in any other local prenatal workshop. We teach partners and companions to provide comfort during birth!

Regina General Hospital Tour (Pre-Birth)

What are RGH's current visitor policies and safety guidelines? Which doors to use at various times of the day or night? What does a birth room and the mother-baby unit look like? Find all this out and more in our Regina General Hospital Tour.

You are welcome to contact me if you have questions about the tour or any of the info covered.

This tour is included as part of the Prenatal Essentials Series.

Prenatal Education Bundle w Newborn Class: Birth Prep Essentials, Easing Labour Pain Class, and Regina General Hospital Tour

My most popular prenatal education classes all in one helpful bundle. Prepare for your birth with three-pack of Birth Prep Essentials, Easing Labour Pain Class, and Regina General Hospital Tour classes all for one price. Plus sign-up for the bundle and gain bonus access to my Newborn Care Class.

Interventions Commonly Used in Births

This is a 2-hour class in which you'll learn about the different interventions commonly used in labour and births in North America. What are they? When might they be used? What are their benefits and risks? What alternatives are there? You’ll learn how to make informed and empowered choices. 

The information presented is evidence-based and also built upon my experience attending births for 20 years and counting. 

Birth Pool Set-up, Maintenance and Putting Away

There are so many benefits of waterbirth! Caring for the pool is a big task and we've created an excellent class to teach you how.

If you rent a birth pool from us then this class is included as part of the rental package. 

Newborn Care

Being pregnant, especially with your first baby, can be exciting, scary and all kinds of emotions at once.  Caring for your baby can be everything you've dreamed of and more!

My Newborn Care course will provide you with important information to help you prepare.  

My Products Available Products
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